
My life as an Au Pair in France

“No, no, don’t worry, I’ll go with a moto, you can use the car.”
It’s usually said by my hostdad if there’s only one car available in our house. They (hostmum and hostdad) always ask me first if I need a car or not, then think about them self. It’s like it’s my car, not theirs.
I was always invited by them if they want to eat to the restaurant, go somewhere else, or anything else. Even someday my hostmum was invited me to go to the Disney Land Paris, just because it’s expensive.
“If you want, you can go with us to Disney, it’s a must-visit place, but it’s really expensive, that’s why you have to come with us.”
At my birthday (Keyne my bestfriend came home with me in Caen), they (my parents) were created a little birthday dinner, so sweet! I’ve got my bday present, a digital photo frame! As I remember, since the afternoon til the nite, my hostdad, spent his time all day just to prepare the dinner for my birthday.
Sometimes I talked with my hostmum, she’s an intelligent woman. When I discuss with her, I feel like I’m talking with my French Literary professor in university, Madame Riella. I had always something new in my mind after talking with her.
“I love my family. I adore my kids. But I always need ‘me’ time. If I’m stuck all day only with my husband and kids, I’m gonna be crazy.”
“You have to study much if you can. It’s so important; you’re still young and if you have the chance, continue your study to the top. And you have to voyage as much as you can. Trip is important; you have to see another world, then you can be a ‘real’ person. Because when you’re married, it’s all over.”
“I didn’t mean that the marriage is awful, no, no it’s amazing. But you’re still young, take it as a chance to explore a new world before then you has got married and spend all your time with your family.”
“It’s so difficult to find a real job here. You have to be graduated from one of university in France. You can’t just apply a job with your Indonesian’s bachelor status. But I am sure you are capable someday to work here, Icha.”
Ok, last phrase made me more optimistic.
But, in my opinion, let’s see how about all parents in Indonesia;
“Come on. You have to study much, and after you’re graduated, you have to work. Find money to build a family. Have kids, go on, move your body, you have no time to have fun.”
My hostmum, she’s sometimes asked me to stay a bit more in her family, in the same time, to continue my Master Degree in University of Caen. It’s a very hard decision. I needed one month to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Many thoughts were running around my head. And I arrived at the point when I have to say no. I have to go home first. I don’t know is it the best decision or not, we will see.
My hostfather is a great young father. He loves his kids very much. He proves his love by making his kids so clever, polite, and discipline. He’s patient. And when Keyne is in the house, she’s surprised, “Oh my God, your hostdad, he’s washing the plates, Icha, please give a me a man like him!” Yup, he’s not like another man, who’s just waiting their wife to wash the plates or do the laundry. He always does it himself. Even in the morning, it’s him who always wakes up earliest than anybody in the house to prepare the kids to go to the school. I hope my future husband is a bit like him *crossing fingers*.
It proved that they are really a nice family. And I promised, I feel that since I arrived in France. As I wrote before, many friends, family, thinks that Au Pair is just like a babysitter in Indonesia, who pampers the kids, and does whatever the kids want. But we, au pair, are the bosses. We decide, demand, and punish the kids if it’s necessary. All is for the best for the kids. And there’s no gate between me and them in the house. Everybody is so nice and polite. I am really a member of the family.
Summer is coming. All my family is spending a holiday in Spain, they gave me a choice, I’ll go with them or not. I’ve decided to not go with them. So, I took another way, it’s staying with a family, I have to stay with another family in south of France, because I want to visit Spain, Italy, and Monaco. And the most important is, I like the challenge and I’d love to have the different experiences. So I found them. It’s a family who live in Avignon.
I arrived, the parents are so cool, the kids are a bit difficult, but they’re so funny. Their lifestyle is a really different to my family in Caen. They’re a “funny-messy” family, not a “discipline-generous” family. After three weeks, me with my hostparents here are like best friends. Even sometimes, we’re dining in a restaurant, watching TV, and go to the night club together! They danced so funny and silly, just like me! It’s always so fun with them.
I met some new friends here. A lot. In Caen, Paris, even in Avignon. Most of them are students and professional employees. They never see me as a baby sitter or what. They’re always nice to me. They always invite me to hang out or drink in a bar. I can’t imagine if I’m in Indonesia working as baby sitter, I’d never ever make friends with another student. My professor in GRETA (French course formation), first time I knew her and she said to me, “I do realized, that what you do is really really brave. I can’t imagine that I am capable to stay away from home and have to adapt myself with a strange world when I’m still so young like you are. And with that huge responsibility with kids, I can tell you that you are really brave.”
That’s a bit stories of my life as an au pair. For 30 hours each week I am always with a kid, so tiring, stressful, but sometimes fun. But another 138 hours each week, I am becoming a lucky girl who has the chance to have new friends, explore the new world, drive out of town every time I want it, eat French food all day, use all the modern tools in the house, have a quality self time in my pretty room, see the beautiful houses and landscape, and have the amazing unforgettable experiences. It’s so worth it. Even more.

Someday in Barcelona

I’ve had a weekend from Saturday afternoon until Monday. So I’ve decided to do a short journey. BARCELONA. It’s just getting out from my mind. Just like that.
Six hours stuck in the bus until my ass is maybe flat, but it doesn’t make me tired or gave bad mood even the landscape (south-west of France) is not beautiful. I’m dying to visit Barcelona that people said as an exotic city.
In Catalunya, the famous meeting point of the city
I had not so much time to visit this city. So I took a touristic bus that gives me a chance to see all the touristic places in Barcelona for one day.
All I can say is I would love to live in Barcelona. This city has the coolest ambiance. For me, so far there’s no other city that can compare the beauty of Paris, and it’s still like that until now. But for the ambiance and the “exoticness”, the facilities of public transport (which is sooo easy, 24h non-stop!), Barcelona wins. Plus there’s a beach which is so clean. It impressed me so much because it’s a big city but its beaches are greats.
I think we can call Barcelona as a fashion city, because all people are really dressing up in the streets. You never get alone in a town center (even it’s 4 o’clock in the morning!) because there’s always people (most of them are youth) who sits in the streets, drink a coffee, do some art performances, or do whatever they want. Nobody’s care. It reminds me of Berlin. It’s so cool.

So many freelance artisans in the streets

It’s a perfect city (except for the cleanness which is bbrrrr) with some combination of modern zone (the contemporary’s buildings), old zone (church, cathedral, old houses, etc), and the landscape (mountain and beaches). I would like to come back again to Barcelona someday. I hope.

Monaco et Italy, so sexy!

Ok, one of the reasons that I’ve picked Avignon (south of France) for this summer is, I would like to visit Monaco, Italy, and Spain (even Switzerland) easily, because they are closer from Avignon. And since I have always my weekend free, I have to go then. First journey is Monaco-Italy. Why? Because I don’t know yet well this region, so it’d be better if I took a journey which is not so far from Avignon.
So I took a train (TGV, Train de la Grande Vitesse 300km/h and TER, normal train) for five hours. It could be so tiring and boring if the landscape of south of France is ugly. Oh it’s amazing! With a transparent sea and the mountains, wow! I am impressed.
The sea is transparent
So, I stopped my first destination in Nice, because I was planning to rent a little car to explore Monaco and the France-Italy’s frontier. I think it’s better to rent a car, because I’m a bit worried for the public transport it will be not so easy.
Nice is a big city and like its name, it’s a nice city. The beach is not bad, the landscape is amazing, the streets are up down up down because it’s situated in a mountain, with all the dynamic people. So, the journey is beginning! Monte Carlo, I am coming baby!
Nice train station
Monaco is a super duper mini country. Maybe as big as Kemang and Prapanca in Jakarta, lol. Everyone thinks it’s just a piece of France. Just like Vatican in Italy, and Andorra in France too.  When I just arrived in Monaco, my first impression is this city is sooooooooooo clean; there’s a police who guard in every street, and the most important: this is the “super expensive car show-off” city.  All the expensive and “limited-edition” cars are showing off in front of Casino. Like every city in Europe, it has a town center in Monte Carlo, and the meeting point is front of the famous Casino (situated beside of the French famous chef Alain Ducasse’s restaurant). When I was there, all people is just regarding the car like the celebrities, all rich people are there, too much ‘bling-bling’ stuffs on the girls, I supposed.
Monaco, bling-bling city
At 10 pm, when there’s no more sunshine, I drove until the highest street where we can see this entire city. Oh my God, so beautiful. With those big buildings, nice houses, mountain, beach, port, and the lamps who shines the entire city, it’s just so magnifique! Perfect!
Let’s continue. I drove until midnite to San Remo, Italy. And again and again, the landscapes from Monaco to Italy are too amazing. Actually it reminds me of the Toba Lake (south of Sumatra) landscape, but we found no one in the street. But here, the ambiance is just like Bali. All people do some parties in beach, dining in the great restaurant in the streets, too cool.
Brazilian dancers in San Remo
San Remo, is a mini city of Italy, not so far from the France frontier. I am so impressed because all people here speak French! But it’s normal. This is a nice city I think. And, last but not least, I have to taste pizza and spaghetti in Italy, their motherland. Hmm not so good, and I am a bit disappointed, because maybe I choose the bad restaurant. But the ice cream, wow, the best ice cream ever! And it’s really cheap!
So, I am so happy with my petit weekend there. So great.
Midnite in Monaco
*train de la grande vitesse: train with the fast speed
*magnifique: amazing
*petit: little