
Three girls from three continents

They are my best friends here, in Caen. Their name is Sofi and Annemarie.
The person that I knew first was Annemarie, because her host family and mine are friends.

"Hi Icha, it's Annemarie. I hope this city makes you happy." It was the first sms that she sent to me. Happy?! It was the second week I was in Caen. Nope. At least, not yet.
Then we met for the first time. Fiuh, finally I can take some free-of-kids time with a same-age-friend.
Then I saw her out of the car with two kids! Oh. And then our first conversation was not really great because the kids were running, moving out, going on the road. Hmm. Normal. They're kids.
Annemarie is a shame girl, not talk too much, not much laugh, so serious, and has a beautiful eyes. Guess then where she come from? Germany.

In February. The first class at campus. I'm so happy. I sit down beside Annemarie and a brown-hair-girl. She's an active student too, sometimes she raised up her hand to answer the teacher's question. And after, I asked what's her name. She said "Sofi". And I asked what another class that she takes, and we talked a bit. Then Annemarie said, "You are Au Pair young girl too, right?" And Sofi is so surprised, "But how do you know??!!" And me too, "Yes, how do you know and why don't tell me?!" It's just because I'm dying to know another young girls Au Pairs in this town, Annemarie too, she was wondering if there's another au pair in Caen. But she never talked about Sofi.
And Sofi was just too happy and talked much, "Oh my gosh, I'm so happy! I didn't have any friends before, and I've thought that it's only me Au Pair in Caen. And.......". I said loudly, "Let's hang out, girls!!!!"
Sofi, Icha, Annemarie
There was a sweet moment how we met. Then since we know each other, almost every day we meet, almost every weekend we're driving out of town. We are trip-freaks. All cities in Normandy is totally done. Bretagne too. Saturday/sunday morning, we took a food and drinks from home, bring out our camera, and hop la, let's go! Driving for 10 hours-15 hours hang around north of France in one day, it's totally normal for us.
We are really in north point of France
Sofi is Mexican. Once we had a coffe-time together until midnight. We've talked much about our countries. Then I reckon that Mexican and Indonesian almost have the same mentality (except about the religion sector). We are crazy, party-lovers, love to laugh, too many poor man in the street, too much criminality in the town, too much traffic jam and population in our capital city. Sofi like to drink a coffee, a beer, a vodka, do the silly dance in the club, etc, just like me. Well, we have some many similarity.
Annemarie is sometimes like my boyfriend (Sandhy), lol. I mean, I know a lot of story from Sandhy what is the mentality of German people. Especially the woman. They says 'no' if they don't like something, they're serious and discipline. They don't talk if it's not important. But, seriously, they have a pure and honest heart. So, Annemarie my friend, she's perfectly like someone that I imagined about German people, and sometimes I smile when I remember this.

So here we are. Three best friends-trip partners in Caen. Asian, European, and American. Our homes are far far away from each other, but that who makes us so unique.

In Cathedral of Rouen

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